Monthly Archives: September 2017

Progress in Real Heart’s Product Development

Scandinavian Real Heart is approaching the final phase of the important development of the heart pump’s motor control software. The company’s developers announce that the software in question will have unique properties. The most important point is that the motor will be able to adjust the power of the pumping depending of the blood pressure of the patient.

-This means, among other things, an optimal energy consumption, says CEO Azad Najar. The development has been complicated and time consuming, but we are now close to completion.

Parts of the technology is ordinarily used in the aerospace industry. This is to obtain the highest possible safety for the Real Heart pump.

-The programming tools and programming language has been selected considering optimum reliability and quality assurance, continues Azad Najar.

Additionally, Scandinavian Real Heart has performed successful tests with the battery belt connected to the heart pump. The energy consumption of the motor has been reduced, and measurements has shown a run time of more than 12 hours for the pump with one battery belt.

– The long battery time means a radical improvement of the quality of life for the patients, explains Azad Najar. This is in comparison with battery life and weight of products on the market today.