
Azad Najar a speaker at the ICPM conference April 7-9

This week, Realheart's founder Dr Azad Najar will appear at the International Conference of Pharmacy and Medicine taking place on April 7-9th in the United Arab Emirates. Dr Najar and his artificial heart, developed in Sweden, have received a lot of international attention and has been presented as one of the conference’s major attractions.

Dr Azad Najar is the inventor of the Realheart total artificial heart (TAH), and founder of the Swedish company Scandinavian Real Heart AB. Originally from Iraqi Kurdistan, he has been following the research on heart failure in the Arab countries of the Middle East with a growing concern.

‘’Worldwide, 64 million patients suffer from heart failure, a disease that kills half of all patients within 5 years after the diagnosis. The situation is particularly difficult in the Middle East where patients fall ill at a younger age, at least 10 years earlier than in, for example, Europe. So of course the expectations on our heart are great here’’ said Dr Azad Najar.

Realheart TAH is the first total artificial heart designed to mimic the structure and function of the human heart. It will replace the patient’s own heart to save the lives of people with advanced heart failure. At the conference, Azad Najar will talk about innovations and how the Realheart TAH was developed.

‘’Globally, the need is huge, and not least among these patients who are often only in their late fifties or sixties and still have many years to live. We want to establish a presence in this region and can see many opportunities to create fruitful alliances. We are currently open to suggestions for future collaborations’’ said Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart.


For further information please contact:
Azad Najar: +46(0)736-673 463 or azad.najar@realheart.se

Or visit the conference webpage: https://icpm.ae/