
New scientific article published

Scandinavian Real Heart continues the development work in several areas. In a new study of the company’s unique artificial heart (TAH), a prototype of the heart pump has been evaluated in a pilot study that shows how it can be implanted into the human body. The international journal “Artificial Organ” has published the study with the title “Evaluation of the novel total artificial heart Realheart in a pilot human fitting study”.

The study reports how the implantation technique of Realhart has evolved. A great advantage with Realheart TAH is in the pump’s flexible design since the pump adapts to the available space in the thorax. Moreover, as the pump is built in two separate halves each half can be placed in its side of the thorax.

” We continue to investigate and verify different parts of the project in a scientific way. The intent is partly to strengthen the company’s position internationally and partly to be able to early on optimize the human implant protocol. At the same time we are developing Realheart TAH according to the demands from the FDA”, says Azad Najar, CEO and founder.
