
EIC Fund investerar i Scandinavian Real Heart AB

Pressmeddelande 2023-05-15

Realheart får bekräftelse på en första investering från EIC på upp till 3,5 MEUR.

Idag har vi nöjet att meddela att European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator avser att göra en initial investering på upp till 3,5 MEUR, motsvarande cirka 39 MSEK, som en del av Realhearts nästa investeringsrunda. Investeringen innebär att EIC anser att Realhearts konstgjorda hjärta är banbrytande och har potential att reformera sjukvården för hjärtsviktspatienter. En formell bekräftelse väntas inom kort.

EIC är en av Europas ledande finansiärer av innovativa företag som förväntas bli globala ledare på sina marknader. EIC Accelerator är ett program som stöder noggrant utvalda företag med både finansiering och tjänster för att påskynda utveckling och marknadsinträde. Urvalet av företag grundar sig på en bedömning av innovationens banbrytande karaktär, uppskalningspotential och med risknivåer som är för höga för enbart privata investerare.

Investeringen i Realheart är villkorad av följande:

– Investeringen är en saminvestering med nya och befintliga aktieägare.

– Att EIC:s totala ägande inte överstiger 20 procent av företaget efter att investeringen har slutförts.

Realheart har tidigare uppgett att det kommer att behövas ytterligare cirka 40 MEUR för att nå marknaden med sitt konstgjorda hjärta (TAH). Den första EIC-investeringen på upp till 3,5 MEUR tillsammans med efterföljande investeringar, som beroende på framtida milstolpar kan uppgå till högst 15 MEUR (följ denna länk), kommer därför att täcka en betydande del av detta belopp i framtida emissioner.

"För Realheart är det en stor ära att bli utvald av EIC som investeringsmottagare. Vi är glada att EIC ser vår potential och att de vill vara en del av vår fortsatta tillväxt och utveckling", säger Ina Laura Perkins, VD för Realheart.

Realheart befinner sig för närvarande i prekliniska studier och räknar med att starta kliniska studier 2024.

Denna information är sådan som Real Heart är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning (EU nr 596/2014). Informationen i detta pressmeddelande har publicerats genom förmedling av nedan angiven kontaktperson, vid den tidpunkt som anges av Scandinavian Real Heart AB’s nyhetsdistributör Cision vid publicering av detta pressmeddelande.

EIC Fund to Invest in Scandinavian Real Heart AB

Press Release, 15 May 2023

Realheart receives confirmation of an initial investment from the EIC of up to 3.5 MEUR.

Today, we are pleased to announce that the European Innovation Council's (EIC) Accelerator intends to make an initial investment of up to 3.5 MEUR, equivalent to approximately 39 MSEK as part of Realheart’s next investment round. The investment means that the EIC considers Realheart's artificial heart to be groundbreaking and has the potential to reform healthcare for heart failure patients.  Formal confirmation is expected shortly.

EIC is one of Europe's leading financiers of innovative companies that are expected to become global leaders in their markets. The EIC Accelerator is a program that supports carefully selected companies with both funding and services to accelerate development and market entry. The selection of companies is based on the assessment of the pioneering nature of innovation, scaling up potential and with risk levels that are too high for private investors alone.

The investment in Realheart is conditional on:

– The investment being a co-investment with new and existing shareholders.

– That EIC's total ownership does not exceed 20 percent of the company after completion of the investment

Realheart has previously stated that it will need an additional approximately 40 MEUR to reach the market for its total artificial heart (TAH). Thus, going forward, the initial EIC investment of up to 3.5 MEUR together with follow-on investment, which, depending on future milestones achieved, can be maximum 15 MEUR (follow this link) will cover a significant share of that amount in future issues.

"For Realheart, it is a great honor to be selected by EIC as a recipient of investment. We are pleased that EIC sees our potential and that they want to be part of our continued growth and development" says Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart.

Realheart is currently in preclinical studies and expects to start clinical studies in 2024.

This disclosure contains information that Real Heart is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information in this press release has been published through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at the time stated by Scandinavian Real Heart AB’s news distributor Cision upon publication of this press release.

Realheart beslutar om nyemissioner om maximalt 73 miljoner SEK


Pressmeddelande 2023-05-15

Styrelsen i Scandinavian Real Heart AB (publ) ("Realheart" eller "Bolaget") har, under förutsättning av årsstämmans godkännande, beslutat att genomföra en nyemission av högst 34 979 248 units med företrädesrätt för befintliga aktieägare ("Företrädesemissionen"). Datumet för årsstämman har flyttats till 14 juni 2023 med anledning av föreliggande transaktion. Teckningsperioden planeras att löpa från och med den 20 juni till och med den 7 juli 2023. Vid full teckning i Företrädesemissionen tillförs Bolaget cirka 56 miljoner SEK före emissionskostnader. Företrädesemissionen omfattas till cirka 60,6 procent av teckningsförbindelser och garantiåtaganden från befintliga aktieägare och externa investerare. Utöver Företrädesemissionen, föreslår styrelsen en riktad emission (den ”Riktade emissionen”) om cirka 1,5 miljoner EUR till European Innovation Councils (”EIC”) Accelerator vilket, per dagens växelkurs om 11,3 SEK per EUR, motsvarar cirka 17 miljoner SEK.


  • Vid full teckning i Företrädesemissionen tillförs Realheart cirka 56 miljoner SEK före emissionskostnader.
  • Företrädesemissionen omfattas till cirka 9,5 procent av teckningsförbindelser från befintliga aktieägare samt till cirka 51,2 procent av garantiåtaganden. Företrädesemissionen omfattas således till cirka 60,6 procent av teckningsförbindelser och garantiåtaganden.
  • Teckningsperioden för Företrädesemissionen planeras att löpa från och med den 20 juni 2023 till och med den 7 juli 2023.
  • Den som på avstämningsdagen den 16 juni 2023 är införd i aktieboken som aktieägare i Realheart erhåller en (1) uniträtt för varje aktie i Bolaget. En (1) uniträtt ger rätten att teckna en (1) unit i Företrädesemissionen. En (1) unit består av två (2) nyemitterade aktier och en (1) teckningsoption av serie TO2. Teckningskursen är 1,60 SEK per unit, motsvarande 0,80 SEK per aktie. Teckningsoptionerna emitteras vederlagsfritt.

Bakgrund och motiv till Företrädesemissionen

Realheart utvecklar ett komplett artificiellt hjärta (Total Artificial Heart – TAH) för implantation i patienter med livshotande hjärtsvikt. Bolagets TAH har en patenterad design som innefattar en kopiering av det naturliga mänskliga hjärtat. Realheart TAH införlivar ett fyrkammarsystem (två förmak, två kamrar) vilket ger möjlighet att generera ett fysiologiskt anpassat blodflöde som efterliknar kroppens naturliga cirkulation. Ett koncept som är unikt i den medicintekniska världen.

Den kliniska versionen av Realheart TAH, det vill säga den version som så småningom ska användas i människa, blev under 2022 färdigutvecklad och började testas i prekliniska studier. Under djurstudierna lyckades Realheart successivt öka överlevnadstiden från den tidigare milstolpen på en dag till fyra dagar. Dessutom bekräftades ett flertal andra viktiga prestandakriterier, däribland inga tecken på hemolys (skador på röda blodkroppar) eller proppbildning (blodproppar) i kombination med en god vänster-högerbalans samt ett pulserande blodflöde och naturligt blodtryck. Under 2023 kommer Bolaget att fortsätta genomföra djurstudier i kombination med hållbarhetstester och blodtester i syfte att uppfylla FDA:s krav för att få påbörja kliniska studier på människa. Realheart har som målsättning att påbörja kliniska studier på människa under 2024 och har regelbunden dialog med både FDA i USA och Notified Body i EU. Realheart fokuserar också på förhandlingar och att skriva avtal med strategiskt viktiga nationella och internationella leverantörer och samarbetspartners som ska bidra med utveckling och produktion av Realheart TAH.

Realheart genomför nu Företrädesemissionen i syfte att vidare finansiera de prekliniska studierna och generera framgångsrika resultat med målsättningen att inleda kliniska prövningar under 2024.

Likviden från Företrädesemissionen om maximalt cirka 56 miljoner SEK planeras att fördelas enligt följande prioritetsordning och omfattning:

  1. Prekliniska studier: cirka 75 procent
  1. Blodtester och hållbarhetstester: 25 procent
  2. Djurstudier: 50 procent
  1. Regulatoriskt arbete: Cirka 5 procent
  2. Bolagskostnader: Cirka 20 procent

Villkor för Företrädesemissionen

  • Vid full teckning i Företrädesemissionen erhåller Bolaget en emissionslikvid om cirka 56 miljoner SEK före emissionskostnader.
  • Teckningsperioden för teckning av units planeras att löpa från och med den 20 juni 2023 till och med den 7 juli 2023.
  • Den som på avstämningsdagen den 16 juni 2023 är införd i aktieboken som aktieägare i Realheart erhåller en (1) uniträtt för varje aktie i Bolaget. En (1) uniträtt ger rätten att teckna en (1) unit. En (1) unit består av två (2) nyemitterade aktier och en (1) teckningsoption av serie TO2.
  • Teckningskursen är 1,60 SEK per unit, motsvarande 0,80 SEK per aktie. Teckningsoptionerna emitteras vederlagsfritt.
  • Företrädesemissionen innebär en emission av högst 34 979 248 units, motsvarande 69 958 496 aktier och 34 979 248 teckningsoptioner av serie TO2.

Villkor för teckningsoptionerna av serie TO2

  • Två (2) teckningsoptioner av serie TO2 ger rätt att teckna en (1) ny aktie i Bolaget. Teckningskursen vid teckning av aktier med stöd av teckningsoptionerna uppgår till sjuttio (70) procent av den volymvägda genomsnittskursen för Bolagets aktie tio (10) dagar innan teckningsperioden, dock högst 2 SEK.
  • Teckningsoptionerna kan nyttjas för teckning av nya aktier under perioden från och med den 2 januari 2025 till och med den 31 januari 2025.
  • Teckning av aktier genom teckningsoptioner av serie TO2 innebär en ökning, vid full teckning, om högst 17 489 624 aktier.
  • Teckningsoptionerna av serie TO2 förväntas tas upp till handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market i nära anslutning till registrering hos Bolagsverket och Euroclear och omvandlingen av BTU till aktier och teckningsoptioner.

Den Riktade emissionen

Utöver Företrädesemissionen, föreslår styrelsen en Riktad emission om cirka 1,5 miljoner EUR till EIC:s Accelerator på samma villkor som i Företrädesemissionen. Den Riktade emissionen är villkorad av Företrädesemissionens utfall. Ytterligare information kommer att tillhandahållas i ett separat pressmeddelande.

Förändring av antal aktier och aktiekapital samt utspädning

  • Vid full teckning i Företrädesemissionen kommer antalet aktier i Bolaget att högst öka med 69 958 496, från 34 979 248 till högst 104 937 744, och aktiekapitalet med högst 6 995 849,6 SEK, från 3 497 924,8 SEK till högst 10 493 774,4 SEK, motsvarande en maximal utspädningseffekt om 66,7 procent av det totala antalet aktier och röster i Bolaget.
  • Vid fullt utnyttjande av teckningsoptioner av serie TO2 kommer antalet aktier i Bolaget att öka med högst 17 489 624, från 104 937 744 till högst 122 427 368, och aktiekapitalet med högst 1 748 962,4 SEK, från 10 493 774,4 till högst 12 242 736,8 SEK, motsvarande en maximal utspädningseffekt om 14,3 procent av antalet aktier och röster i Bolaget.


Fullständiga villkor och anvisningar för Företrädesemissionen samt övrig information om Bolaget kommer att framgå av det EU-tillväxtprospekt som beräknas offentliggöras av Bolaget omkring den 19 juni 2023 (”Prospektet”).

Teckningsförbindelser och garantiåtaganden

Bolaget har erhållit teckningsförbindelser om cirka 5,3 miljoner SEK, motsvarande cirka 9,5 procent av Företrädesemissionen, samt garantiåtaganden om cirka 28,6 miljoner SEK, motsvarande cirka 51,2 procent av Företrädesemissionen. Företrädesemissionen omfattas därmed sammantaget till cirka 60,6 procent av teckningsförbindelser och garantiåtaganden.

Garantiersättning utgår med femton (15) procent av garanterat belopp om emissionsgaranterna väljer kontant ersättning eller med sjutton komma fem (17,5) procent av garanterat belopp om emissionsgaranterna väljer ersättning i form av nyemitterade units. Om emissionsgaranterna väljer att få garantiersättning i nyemitterade units kommer styrelsen att besluta om nyemission av sådana units med stöd av bemyndigande från årsstämman den 14 juni 2023. Vid ersättning i form av units är emissionskursen marknadspris på aktien minus marknadsmässig rabatt (cirka 10 %). Teckningsoptionerna emitteras vederlagsfritt. För teckningsförbindelserna utgår ingen ersättning. Varken tecknings- eller garantiåtagandena är säkerställda genom bankgaranti, spärrmedel, pantsättning eller liknande arrangemang.

Preliminär tidplan för Företrädesemissionen

Årsstämma 14 juni 2023
Sista dag för handel med Bolagets aktier inklusive rätt att erhålla uniträtter 14 juni 2023
Första dag för handel med Bolagets aktier exklusive rätt att erhålla uniträtter 15 juni 2023
Avstämningsdag för deltagande i Företrädesemissionen 16 juni 2023
Beräknat datum för offentliggörande av EU-tillväxtprospekt 19 juni 2023
Teckningsperiod i Företrädesemissionen 20 juni –7 juli 2023
Handel med uniträtter (UR) 20 juni –4 juli 2023
Handel med betalda tecknade units (BTU) 20 juni – omkring vecka 30 2023
Preliminärt datum för offentliggörande av utfall i Företrädesemissionen 12 juli 2023


Skills Corporate Finance Nordic AB är finansiell rådgivare och Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB är legal rådgivare till Realheart i samband med Företrädesemissionen.

Viktig information
Publicering, offentliggörande eller distribution av detta pressmeddelande kan i vissa jurisdiktioner vara föremål för restriktioner enligt lag och personer i de jurisdiktioner där detta pressmeddelande har offentliggjorts eller distribuerats bör informera sig om och följa sådana legala restriktioner. Mottagaren av detta pressmeddelande ansvarar för att använda detta pressmeddelande och informationen häri i enlighet med tillämpliga regler i respektive jurisdiktion. Detta pressmeddelande utgör inte ett erbjudande att sälja eller en inbjudan avseende ett erbjudande att förvärva eller teckna värdepapper som emitterats av Bolaget i någon jurisdiktion där sådant erbjudande eller sådan inbjudan skulle vara olaglig. I en medlemsstat inom Europeiska Ekonomiska Samarbetsområdet ("EES") får värdepapper som hänvisas till i detta meddelande endast erbjudas i enlighet med tillämpliga undantag i Prospektförordningen.

Detta pressmeddelande utgör inte ett erbjudande om eller inbjudan avseende att förvärva eller teckna värdepapper i USA. Värdepapperna som omnämns häri får inte säljas i USA utan registrering, eller utan tillämpning av ett undantag från registrering, enligt den vid var tid gällande U.S. Securities Act från 1933 ("Securities Act"), och får inte erbjudas eller säljas i USA utan att de registreras, omfattas av ett undantag från, eller i en transaktion som inte omfattas av registreringskraven enligt Securities Act. Det finns ingen avsikt att registrera några värdepapper som omnämns häri i USA eller att lämna ett offentligt erbjudande avseende sådana värdepapper i USA. Informationen i detta pressmeddelande får inte offentliggöras, publiceras, kopieras, reproduceras eller distribueras, direkt eller indirekt, helt eller delvis, i eller till USA, Kanada, Japan, Sydafrika eller Australien eller någon annan jurisdiktion där sådant offentliggörande, publicering eller distribution av denna information skulle stå i strid med gällande regler eller där en sådan åtgärd är föremål för legala restriktioner eller skulle kräva ytterligare registrering eller andra åtgärder än vad som följer av svensk rätt. Åtgärder i strid med denna anvisning kan utgöra brott mot tillämplig värdepapperslagstiftning.

I Storbritannien distribueras och riktas detta dokument, och annat material avseende värdepapperen som omnämns häri, endast till, och en investering eller investeringsaktivitet som är hänförlig till detta dokument är endast tillgänglig för och kommer endast att kunna utnyttjas av, "qualified investors" (enligt definitionen i paragraf 86(7) i den brittiska Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) som är (i) personer som har professionell erfarenhet av affärer som rör investeringar och som faller inom definitionen av "investment professionals" i artikel 19(5) i den brittiska Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 ("Föreskriften"); eller (ii) "high net worth entities" som avses i artikel 49(2)(a)-(d) i Föreskriften (alla sådana personer benämns gemensamt "relevanta personer"). En investering eller en investeringsåtgärd som detta meddelande avser är i Storbritannien enbart tillgänglig för relevanta personer och kommer endast att genomföras med relevanta personer. Personer som inte är relevanta personer ska inte vidta några åtgärder baserat på detta dokument och inte heller agera eller förlita sig på det.

Ett prospekt avseende Företrädesemissionen som beskrivs i detta pressmeddelande kommer att offentliggöras av Bolaget omkring den 19 juni 2023. Detta pressmeddelande är dock inte ett prospekt enligt betydelsen i Prospektförordningen. Detta pressmeddelande utgör marknadsföring i enlighet med artikel 2 k i Prospektförordningen. Fullständig information avseende Företrädesemissionen kan endast fås genom Prospektet. Realheart har inte godkänt något erbjudande till allmänheten av aktier eller rättigheter i någon annan medlemsstat i EES utöver Sverige. Detta pressmeddelande varken identifierar eller utger sig för att identifiera risker (direkta eller indirekta) som kan vara förbundna med en investering i nya aktier. Ett investeringsbeslut att förvärva eller teckna nya aktier i Företrädesemissionen får endast fattas baserat på offentligt tillgänglig information, vilken inte har verifierats av Bolagets finansiella rådgivare. Den finansiella rådgivaren agerar för Bolagets räkning i samband med transaktionen och inte för någon annans räkning. Den finansiella rådgivaren är inte ansvarig gentemot någon annan för att tillhandahålla det skydd som tillhandahålls deras kunder eller för att ge råd i samband med transaktionen eller avseende något annat som omnämns häri.

Information till distributörer

I syfte att uppfylla de produktstyrningskrav som återfinns i: (a) Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 2014/65/EU om marknader för finansiella instrument, i konsoliderad version, ("MiFID II"); (b) artikel 9 och 10 i Kommissionens delegerade direktiv (EU) 2017/593, som kompletterar MiFID II; och (c) nationella genomförandeåtgärder (tillsammans "Produktstyrningskraven i MiFID II") samt för att friskriva sig från allt utomobligatoriskt, inomobligatoriskt eller annat ansvar som någon "tillverkare" (i den mening som avses enligt Produktstyrningskraven i MiFID II) annars kan omfattas av, har Realhearts aktier varit föremål för en produktgodkännandeprocess, som har fastställt att dessa aktier är: (i) lämpliga för en målmarknad bestående av icke-professionella investerare och investerare som uppfyller kriterierna för professionella kunder och godtagbara motparter, såsom definierat i MiFID II; och (ii) lämpliga för spridning genom alla distributionskanaler som tillåts enligt MiFID II ("Målmarknadsbedömningen"). Oaktat Målmarknadsbedömningen bör distributörer notera att: priset på Realhearts aktier kan sjunka och investerare kan förlora hela eller delar av sin investering, att Realhearts aktier inte är förenade med någon garanti avseende avkastning eller kapitalskydd och att en investering i Realhearts aktier endast är lämplig för investerare som inte är i behov av garanterad avkastning eller kapitalskydd och som (ensamma eller med hjälp av lämplig finansiell eller annan rådgivare) är kapabla att utvärdera fördelarna och riskerna med en sådan investering och som har tillräckliga resurser för att bära de förluster som en sådan investering kan resultera i. Målmarknadsbedömningen påverkar inte andra krav avseende kontraktuella, legala eller regulatoriska försäljningsrestriktioner med anledning av Företrädesemissionen.

Målmarknadsbedömningen utgör, för undvikande av missförstånd, inte (a) en ändamålsenlighets- eller lämplighetsbedömning i den mening som avses i MiFID II eller (b) en rekommendation till någon investerare eller grupp av investerare att investera i, förvärva, eller vidta någon annan åtgärd avseende Realhearts aktier.

Varje distributör är ansvarig för att genomföra sin egen målmarknadsbedömning avseende Realhearts aktier samt för att besluta om lämpliga distributionskanaler.

Denna information är sådan som Real Heart är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning (EU nr 596/2014). Informationen i detta pressmeddelande har publicerats genom förmedling av nedan angiven kontaktperson, vid den tidpunkt som anges av Scandinavian Real Heart AB’s nyhetsdistributör Cision vid publicering av detta pressmeddelande.

Realheart Carries out new Issues of Shares of Maximum SEK 73 Million


Press Release, 15 May, 2023

The board of directors of Scandinavian Real Heart AB (publ) ("Realheart" or the "Company") has, subject to approval from the annual general meeting, decided to carry out a rights issue of up to 34,979,248 units with preferential rights for existing shareholders (the "Rights Issue"). The date for the annual general meeting has been moved to 14 June 2023. The subscription period will take place from 20 June until and including 7 July  2023. In the event the Rights Issue is fully subscribed, the Company will be provided with approximately SEK 56 million before transaction costs. The Rights Issue is covered to approximately 60.6 percent through subscription commitments and underwriting commitments from current shareholders and external investors. In addition to the Rights Issue, the Board of Directors propose a directed issue (the “Directed Issue”) of approximately 1.5 million EUR to the European Innovation Council’s (“EIC”) Accelerator which, per today’s exchange rate of 11.3 SEK per EUR corresponds to approximately SEK 17 million.


  • In the event the Rights Issue is fully subscribed, Realheart will receive approximately SEK 56 million before transaction costs.
  • The Rights Issue is covered to approximately 9.5 percent through subscription commitments from existing shareholders and to approximately 51.2 percent through underwriting commitments. Thus, the Rights Issue is secured to 60.6 percent through subscription commitments and underwriting commitments.
  • The subscription period in the Rights Issue is set to take place from 20 June 2023 until and including 7 July 2023.
  • Existing shareholders will receive one (1) unit right for each share held in the Company on the record date on June 16, 2023. One (1) unit right entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) unit in the Rights Issue. One (1) unit consists of two (2) newly issued shares and one (1) warrant of series TO2. The subscription price is SEK 1.6 per unit, corresponding to SEK 0.8 per share. The warrants are issued free of charge.

Background and motive to the Rights Issue

Realheart develops a total artificial heart (TAH) for implantation in patients with life-threatening heart failure. Realheart TAH has a patented design that resembles that of the natural human heart. The artificial heart consists of a four-chamber system (two atria and two ventricles) designed to generate a physiological blood flow pattern that mimics the body’s natural circulation – a unique concept in the medical technology world.

The clinical version of Realheart TAH, i.e. the version that will eventually be used in humans, was fully developed in 2022 and began to be tested in preclinical studies. During the animal trials, Realheart was able to gradually increase survival time from one to four days. In addition, several other key TAH performance criteria were confirmed, including no signs of hemolysis (damage to red blood cells) or thromboembolic events (blood clots) in combination with a good left-right balance and a pulsatile blood flow and natural blood pressure. In 2023, the Company will continue to conduct animal trials as well as reliability studies and blood tests in order to meet the FDA’s requirements for starting clinical studies in humans. Realheart aims to start human clinical studies in 2024 and has regular dialog with both the FDA in the US and the Notified Body in the EU. Realheart also focuses on negotiating and signing agreements with strategically important national and international suppliers and partners who will contribute to the development and production of Realheart TAH.

To be able to further fund the preclinical studies and generate successful results, with the ambition to begin human clinical trials during 2024, Realheart is conducting a Rights Issue.

The capital from the Rights Issue of maximum approximately SEK 56 million will be allocated to the following areas of application, in order of priority:

  1. Preclinical studies: approximately 75 percent
  1. Blood tests and reliability tests: 25 percent
  2. Animal trials: 50 percent
  1. Regulatory work: Approximately 5 percent
  2. Operational costs: Approximately 20 percent

Terms for the Rights Issue

  • In the event of full subscription in the Rights Issue, the Company is provided approximately SEK 56 million before transaction costs.
  • The subscription period for units will take place from 20 June 2023 until and including 7 July 2023.
  • Existing shareholders will receive one (1) unit right for each share held in the Company on the record date 16 June 2023. One (1) unit right entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) unit. One (1) unit consists of two (2) newly issued shares and one (1) warrant of series TO2.
  • The subscription price per unit is SEK 1.6, corresponding to SEK 0.8 per share. The warrants are issued free of charge.
  • In the Rights Issue, a maximum number of 34,979,248 units will be issued, corresponding to 69,958,496 shares and 34,979,248 warrants of series TO2.

Terms for the Warrants of series TO2

  • Two (2) warrants of series TO2 entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share in the Company. The subscription price for shares through the exercise of warrants corresponds to 70 percent of the volume-weighted average price paid for the Company’s shares ten (10) days prior to the subscription period, but not more than SEK 2.
  • The exercise period for the warrants of series TO2 will take place during the period 2 January 2025-31 January 2025.
  • Upon full exercise of the warrants of series TO2, the number of shares will increase by a maximum of 17,489,624.
  • The warrants of series TO2 are expected to be admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in close connection to the Rights Issue’s registration at the Swedish Companies Registration Office and Euroclear and the BTU’s conversion to ordinary shares and warrants.

The Directed Issue

In addition to the Rights issue, the Board of Directors propose a Directed Issue of approximately 1.5 million EUR to the EIC Innovation Council’s (EIC) Accelerator on the same terms as in the Rights Issue. The Directed Issue is conditional on the implementation of the Rights Issue. Further information will be provided in a separate press release.

Change in number of shares and share capital as well as dilution

In the event of full subscription in the Rights Issue, the amount of shares in the Company may increase by 69,958,496, from 34,979,248 to maximum 104,937,744 and the share capital may increase by maximum SEK 6,995,849.6, from SEK 3,497,924.8 SEK to maximum SEK 10,493,774.4, corresponding to a maximum dilution effect of 66.7 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company.

In the event of full exercise of the warrants of series TO2, the amount of shares in the Company may increase by maximum 17,489,624, from 104,937,744 to maximum 122,427,368 and the share capital by maximum SEK 1,748,962.4, from SEK 10,493,774.4 SEK to maximum SEK 12,242,736.8 corresponding to a maximum dilution effect of 14.3 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company.

EU growth Prospectus

Full terms and conditions for the Rights Issue and other information about the Company will be available in the EU growth prospectus, which is expected to be published by June 19, 2023 (the “Prospectus”).

Subscription commitments and underwriting commitments

The Company has obtained subscription commitments of approximately SEK 5.3 million, corresponding to approximately 9.5 percent of the Rights Issue and approximately SEK 28.6 million of underwriting commitments, corresponding to approximately 51.2 percent of the Rights Issue. In total, the Rights Issue is covered to approximately 60.6 percent of subscription commitments and underwriting commitments.

Underwriting compensation of fifteen (15) percent of the guaranteed amount is paid if the underwriters choose compensation in the form of cash or seventeen point five (17.5) percent of the guaranteed amount if the underwriters choose compensation in the form of new issued units. If the underwriters choose to receive the underwriting compensation in new issued units, the board will decide to issue such new units with the authorization from the annual general meeting to be held on 14 June 2023. For remuneration in the form of Units, the issue price is the market price of the share minus a market discount (approximately 10%). The warrants are issued free of charge. No compensation is paid for the subscription commitments. Neither the subscription commitments nor the underwriting commitments are secured by bank guarantee, blocking measures, pledges, or similar arrangements.

Indicative time table for the Rights Issue

General meeting June 14, 2023
Last day of trading in the Company’s shares including the right to receive unit rights June 14, 2023
First day of trading in the Company’s shares excluding the right to receive unit rights June 15, 2023
Record date for participation in the Rights Issue June 16, 2023
Estimated date for publication of EU growth prospectus June 19, 2023
Subscription period for the Rights Issue June 20 – July 7, 2023
Trading with unit rights (UR) June 20 – July 4, 2023
Trading with BTU June 20 – approximately week 30, 2023
Estimated date for publication of Rights Issue results July 12, 2023


Skills Corporate Finance Nordic AB is financial adviser and Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB is legal adviser to Realheart in connection with the Rights Issue.

Important information

The release, announcement or distribution of this press release may, in certain jurisdictions, be subject to restrictions. The recipients of this press release in jurisdictions where this press release has been published or distributed shall inform themselves of and follow such restrictions. The recipient of this press release is responsible for using this press release, and the information contained herein, in accordance with applicable rules in each jurisdiction. This press release does not constitute an offer, or a solicitation of any offer, to buy or subscribe for any securities in the Company in any jurisdiction where such offer would be considered illegal. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or an offer to buy or subscribe for shares issued by the Company in any jurisdiction where such offer or invitation would be illegal. In a member state within the European Economic Area ("EEA"), shares referred to in the press release may only be offered in accordance with applicable exemptions under the Prospectus Regulation.

This press release does not constitute or form part of an offer or solicitation to purchase or subscribe for securities in the United States. The securities referred to herein may not be sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and may not be offered or sold within the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act. There is no intention to register any securities referred to herein in the United States or to make a public offering of the securities in the United States. The information in this press release may not be announced, published, copied, reproduced or distributed, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, within or into the United States, Canada, Japan, South Africa or Australia, or in any other jurisdiction where such announcement, publication or distribution of the information would not comply with applicable laws and regulations or where such actions are subject to legal restrictions or would require additional registration or other measures than what is required under Swedish law. Actions taken in violation of this instruction may constitute a crime against applicable securities laws and regulations.

In the United Kingdom, this document and any other materials in relation to the securities described herein is only being distributed to, and is only directed at, and any investment or investment activity to which this document relates is available only to, and will be engaged in only with, "qualified investors" who are (i) persons having professional experience in matters relating to investments who fall within the definition of "investment professionals" in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the "Order"); or (ii) high net worth entities falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (all such persons together being referred to as "relevant persons"). In the United Kingdom, any investment or investment activity to which this communication relates is available only to, and will be engaged in only with, relevant persons. Persons who are not relevant persons should not take any action on the basis of this press release and should not act or rely on it.

A prospectus regarding the Rights Issue described in this release will be published by the Company on or about 19 June 2023. This release is however not a prospectus in accordance to the definition in the Prospectus Regulation. In accordance with article 2 k of the Prospectus Regulation this press release constitutes an advertisement. Complete information regarding the Rights Issue can only be obtained through the Prospectus. Realheart has not authorized any offer to the public of shares or rights in any other member state of the EEA. In any EEA Member State, this communication is only addressed to and is only directed at qualified investors in that Member State within the meaning of the Prospectus Regulation. This announcement does not identify or suggest, or purport to identify or suggest, the risks (direct or indirect) that may be associated with an investment in the new shares. Any investment decision in connection with the Rights Issue must be made on the basis of all publicly available information relating to the Company and the Company's shares. Such information has not been independently verified by the Company’s financial adviser. The financial adviser is acting for the Company in connection with the transaction and no one else and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to its clients nor for giving advice in relation to the transaction or any other matter referred to herein.

Information to distributors

Solely for the purposes of the product governance requirements contained within: (a) EU Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments, as amended ("MiFID II"); (b) Articles 9 and 10 of Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 supplementing MiFID II; and (c) local implementing measures (together, the "MiFID II Product Governance Requirements"), and disclaiming all and any liability, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise, which any "manufacturer" (for the purposes of the MiFID II Product Governance Requirements) may otherwise have with respect thereto, the shares in Realheart have been subject to a product approval process, which has determined that such shares are: (i) compatible with an end target market of retail investors and investors who meet the criteria of professional clients and eligible counterparties, each as defined in MiFID II; and (ii) eligible for distribution through all distribution channels as are permitted by MiFID II (the "Target Market Assessment"). Notwithstanding the Target Market Assessment, Distributors should note that: the price of the shares in Realheart may decline and investors could lose all or part of their investment; the shares in Realheart offer no guaranteed income and no capital protection; and an investment in the shares in Realheart is compatible only with investors who do not need a guaranteed income or capital protection, who (either alone or in conjunction with an appropriate financial or other adviser) are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such an investment and who have sufficient resources to be able to bear any losses that may result therefrom. The Target Market Assessment is without prejudice to the requirements of any contractual, legal or regulatory selling restrictions in relation to the Rights Issue.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Target Market Assessment does not constitute: (a) an assessment of suitability or appropriateness for the purposes of MiFID II; or (b) a recommendation to any investor or group of investors to invest in, or purchase, or take any other action whatsoever with respect to the shares in Realheart.

Each distributor is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the shares in Realheart and determining appropriate distribution channels.

This disclosure contains information that Real Heart is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information in this press release has been published through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at the time stated by Scandinavian Real Heart AB’s news distributor Cision upon publication of this press release.

Realheart återgår till att kommunicera på både svenska och engelska

Pressmeddelande, 2023-05-12

Realhearts nyligen publicerade beslut om att kommunicera enbart på engelska återtas. Aktieägare och andra intressenter har kommit med feedback och poängterat värdet av att ha kommunikation på svenska.

Baserat på detta väljer Realheart att återgå till att kommunicera på bägge språken, då bolaget vill tillgodose marknadens behov och önskemål. Detta innebär att samtliga pressmeddelanden och rapporter fortsättningsvis kommer att publiceras på både svenska och engelska.

Realheart Returns to Communicating in Both Swedish and English

Press Release, 12 May 2023

Realheart's recently published decision to communicate only in English is reversed. Shareholders and other stakeholders have provided feedback and emphasized the value of having communication in Swedish.

Based on this, Realheart chooses to return to communicating in both languages, as the company wants to meet the needs and wishes of the market. This means that all press releases and reports will continue to be published in both Swedish and English.

Interim Report 230101-230331

Press Release 11 May, 2023

Revenue and Result

Scandinavian Real Heart is working with research and development and currently has no sales of any products. The income reported for the period consists mainly of foreign currenty exhance gains. Research and development costs of Realheart® TAH were capitalized during the year with 4.1 MSEK. During the period, write-downs of capitalized costs for research and development were made by 0 MSEK.

The item other external costs of 4.2 MSEK consists of costs for purchased services of 1.0 MSEK and various other costs of 3.2 MSEK. Of these costs, 4.1 MSEK has been capitalized.

Financial Position

During the period, the company has received cash of 3.7 MSEK from an extended loan from ALMI and 4.1 MSEK from TO1. With a cash balance of 10.5 MSEK, the companty has funding that will last into third quarter of 2023.

In order to solve the Company's longer-term financing needs, Realheart works continuously to evaluate alternatives for further capitalization of the Company.

Significant Events During the First Quarter of the Year

January starts with communicating increased survival time from one to four days, and also that several performance criteria were increased. All this was reached in the end of 2022, but was communicated in 2023, after collection of data including analysis. The main citieria were: no hemolysis, no thromboembolic events, high pumping capacity and good right-left balance, and short procedure.

In January, the company also communicates that they, together with KTH, developed Sweden's First Patient Simulator. The collaboration between Realheart and KTH to develop the simulator (scientific term: "hybrid simulator") began in 2022 after a contribution of SEK 4 million from Smart Elektronik, a joint initiative by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.

In Januari, the company also communicates that Dr. Ulf Kjellman Strengthens Realheart's Medical Advisory Board. Ulf Kjellman has over 35 years of experience in cardiothoracic surgery.

End of February, Professor Bart Meyns Strengthens Realheart's Advisory Board. Dr Meyns is a Professor at the University of Leuven in Belgium and is also leading Realheart's surgical team in the ongoing animal study.

In the beginning of March, Realheart announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO1. A total of 7 183 148 warrants of series TO1 were exercised, corresponding to approximately 70 percent of the total number of warrants, which brings the Company approximately SEK 4.2 million before issuing related costs.

Last days of March, cardiac surgeon Ulf Kjellman Takes over as Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at Realheart. Kjellman, who has many years of experience in advanced cardiac surgery, will be clinically responsible for the company's preclinical and clinical studies.

The first quarter ends with Realheart's CEO to Present at the Swiss Nordic Bio Zürich Healthcare Investor Conference. There is an increased interest in the possibilities of total artificial hearts (TAH) and the interest in Realheart is much higher this year compared to last year's conference. Artificial hearts open the door to a paradigm shift in the care of patients with severe heart failure. Here, saving lives and reducing healthcare costs go hand in hand.

Significant Events After the end of the Period

In the middle of April the company communicates that the market need in the US and Europe is estimated at 200,000 artificial hearts per year – equivalent to SEK 200 Billion – and the trend is accelerating. Industry players and Realheart estimate that the market potential for total artificial hearts (TAHs) is over 200,000 units per year in Europe and the US. Realheart believes it is well positioned to take significant market share with its four-chamber artificial heart.

In April, Joseph Bornoff’s Simulations of the Realheart is Published in the Springer Nature Journal Scientific Reports. It is an advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the Realheart® TAH (Total Artificial Heart) to study blood flow in the pump and optimize its function. The work has been co-authored with colleagues at Realheart.

At the end of April, results of Scandinavian Realheart’s Total Artificial Heart demonstrating lower rates of hemolysis are published. The peer-reviewed study titled ”In Vitro Hemolytic Performance of the Realheart V11C TAH Prototype with Porcine Blood” was published in the journal of Artificial Organs.

During the first days in May, scientists at Scandinavian Real Heart and at the University of Bath publish the world’s first computer simulation method for dual mechanical heart valves in series. The article “Overset meshing in combination with novel blended weak-strong fluid-structure interactions for simulations of a translating valve in series with a second valve” was published in the scientific journal “Computer

CEO Ina Laura Perkins has the Word

I am pleased to look back at a busy and very successful first quarter of 2023 with several key achievements for Realheart.

First, and foremost, by reaching the four-day survival benchmark of animals implanted with our TAH, we have shown that the Company is on track towards obtaining approval for the first in human use of our implant. This is the result of significant efforts by our R&D team, surgeons, and others who continue to improve surgical methodology and study protocols to a level where the procedure is becoming routine.

Similarly, our R&D team together with researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, successfully developed the first patient simulator (digital twin) that is used to test the Company’s TAH algorithm. Apart from this being a “first” in our space, having access to digital twin technology will improve and streamline our R&D processes for current and future products. The project was rewarded with a grant from the Strategic Innovation Program Smarter Electronic Systems – a joint initiative by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.

We have continued to expand our team with two world renowned cardiac surgeons: Dr. Ulf Kjellman has been appointed as the Company’s CMO, and Prof. Bart Meyns has joined our Medical Advisory Board. Both are Key Opinion leaders with extensive experience in cardiac surgery and from the field of developing and testing heart pumps.

With the support of our shareholders, we have successfully raised 4.2 MSEK from warrants of series TO1. In an increasingly competitive and rapidly evolving environment, this as well as future financing, are critical for us to continue our current trajectory of successes, to effectively progress the development of the Realheart® TAH into the clinic towards product approval, and to create shareholder value.

We have continued to promote Realheart on the international stage to both investors and the medical and scientific community. Dr Azad Najar, our founder and Chief Innovation Officer, was selected as keynote speaker at the Artificial

Intelligence (AI) Conference in Cairo and the Dubai Innovation Conference.

And I have, together with Dr Oliver Voigt, presented Realhart at the Healthcare Investor Conference, Swiss Nordic Bio, in Zürich. Creating awareness and an international footprint of our technology among investors and the medical and scientific communities is key to the future success of the Company.

Significant events after the end of the period is that Realheart has published three scientific articles, in Springer Nature journal Scientific Reports, the journal Artificial Organs, and Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering . This is really important work, done in international collaboration between scientists at Realheart and researchers at the University of Bath and Swansea University Medical School, both in the United Kingdom.

After an eventful start of the year, we are incredibly excited and full of confidence. Knowing that we are on the right track, we are looking forward to completing our pre-clinical studies. Again, I want to highlight that support from current and future shareholders is essential for us to continue on our path to success.

Ina Laura Perkins

CEO, Scandinavian Real Heart AB

Scandinavian Real Heart AB

Swedish innovation power has given the world medical technology inventions such as the heart and lung machine, the pacemaker and the dialysis machine. The next big innovation is Realheart's artificial heart. A Swedish patented innovation that will save the lives of heart failure patients. Every year, 3,500 people die of heart failure in Sweden alone. Today, the only rescue is a heart transplant, but the number of donated hearts is only enough for 2% of those in need.

The start-up of the company was initiated by the doctor Azad Najar in 1999 when he started sketching an artificial heart that completely mimics the biological. In 2007, Azad co-founded Scandinavian Real Heart with two partners. The original idea behind Realheart® TAH is based on flow analyzes made at KTH 2002-2005 and is based on constructing an artificial heart that mimics the biological. By imitating its basic principle, a pressure and flow is created that reduces the risk of blood clots and provides an energy-efficient blood flow. These factors are important to give the patient a good quality of life. The development of the product has progressed strongly over the years. Blood circulation, pump function, pressure, and pulse generation have been verified in ethically approved animal experiments. Today, research and development takes place in close collaboration with world-leading heart surgeons, researchers and engineers.

Patent Protection

Realheart has granted patents in Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, China and India that protect the original pump principle in TAH. This patent also provides protection for future products: RealVAD® and PulsePump®.

Patent protection is also available on the latest version of Realheart® TAH in Sweden, USA, UK, Australia and Japan. The patent application for it has also been filed for Germany and Canada. The patents provide protection in the markets that are largest and most important for artificial hearts right now, with the exception of China and India which are considered important emerging markets. In addition to the patent protection described above, Realheart has also approved patents in Sweden, the USA and the United Kingdom for the future Sternal prosthesis product. The application is also submitted in Germany and France. In 2018, a new connection was designed for a simple and secure connection between Realheart® TAH and the body's circulatory system. The patent application for this has also been filed.

Finally, the patent application has been filed in two parts for the use of pressure sensors for the automatic control. Given the existing patents together with the new patent applications, the Board believes that the company has a strong patent situation and strong intellectual property protection.

Mission and Goal

Realheart's mission is to use medical technology solutions to save as many heart failure patients as possible and to create the best conditions for a life-affirming continuation of life. The company's overall goal is for the artificial heart to be commercialized and become a full-fledged treatment alternative for patients with heart failure. The heart should have a better function than the solutions that are on the market today. It should be possible to use both as a bridge to transplantation and as final therapy.

The Stock

Scandinavian Real Heart AB was listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in December 2021. Nasdaq First North GM is a registered SME marketplace for growth companies that enables Nordic and international entrepreneurs to gain access to growth capital to develop and expand their operations. As of March 31, 2023, the number of shares in Scandinavian Real Heart was 34 979 248.

Principles for the preparation of the Interim Report

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and with the application of general advice, recommendations and statements from the Swedish Accounting Standards Board.

Audit Review

The interim report has not been reviewed by the Company's auditor.

Upcoming Financial Reports

Annual Report 2022 2023-05-26

Interim Report Q2, 2023 2022-08-24

Interim Report Q3, 2023 2022-11-16

Year-end Report, 2023 2023-02-15

Annual General Meeting

The company's annual general meeting is planned to be held Friday, June 16th.

Submission of Interim Report

Västerås, May11, 2023

The Board

Scandinavian Real Heart AB

For Further Information, Please Contact

Ina Laura Perkins

CEO Scandinavian Real Heart

Phone: +46 70 406 49 21


Jonas Caspari Bark

CFO Scandinavian Real Heart

Phone: +46 70 643 88 61 E-mail:

This disclosure contains information that Real Heart is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information in this press release has been published through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at the time stated by Scandinavian Real Heart AB’s news distributor Cision upon publication of this press release.

Link to archive for financial reports:

Interim Report 230101-230331

Press Release 11 May, 2023

Revenue and Result

Scandinavian Real Heart is working with research and development and currently has no sales of any products. The income reported for the period consists mainly of foreign currenty exhance gains. Research and development costs of Realheart® TAH were capitalized during the year with 4.1 MSEK. During the period, write-downs of capitalized costs for research and development were made by 0 MSEK.

The item other external costs of 4.2 MSEK consists of costs for purchased services of 1.0 MSEK and various other costs of 3.2 MSEK. Of these costs, 4.1 MSEK has been capitalized.

Financial Position

During the period, the company has received cash of 3.7 MSEK from an extended loan from ALMI and 4.1 MSEK from TO1. With a cash balance of 10.5 MSEK, the companty has funding that will last into third quarter of 2023.

In order to solve the Company's longer-term financing needs, Realheart works continuously to evaluate alternatives for further capitalization of the Company.

Significant Events During the First Quarter of the Year

January starts with communicating increased survival time from one to four days, and also that several performance criteria were increased. All this was reached in the end of 2022, but was communicated in 2023, after collection of data including analysis. The main citieria were: no hemolysis, no thromboembolic events, high pumping capacity and good right-left balance, and short procedure.

In January, the company also communicates that they, together with KTH, developed Sweden's First Patient Simulator. The collaboration between Realheart and KTH to develop the simulator (scientific term: "hybrid simulator") began in 2022 after a contribution of SEK 4 million from Smart Elektronik, a joint initiative by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.

In Januari, the company also communicates that Dr. Ulf Kjellman Strengthens Realheart's Medical Advisory Board. Ulf Kjellman has over 35 years of experience in cardiothoracic surgery.

End of February, Professor Bart Meyns Strengthens Realheart's Advisory Board. Dr Meyns is a Professor at the University of Leuven in Belgium and is also leading Realheart's surgical team in the ongoing animal study.

In the beginning of March, Realheart announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO1. A total of 7 183 148 warrants of series TO1 were exercised, corresponding to approximately 70 percent of the total number of warrants, which brings the Company approximately SEK 4.2 million before issuing related costs.

Last days of March, cardiac surgeon Ulf Kjellman Takes over as Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at Realheart. Kjellman, who has many years of experience in advanced cardiac surgery, will be clinically responsible for the company's preclinical and clinical studies.

The first quarter ends with Realheart's CEO to Present at the Swiss Nordic Bio Zürich Healthcare Investor Conference. There is an increased interest in the possibilities of total artificial hearts (TAH) and the interest in Realheart is much higher this year compared to last year's conference. Artificial hearts open the door to a paradigm shift in the care of patients with severe heart failure. Here, saving lives and reducing healthcare costs go hand in hand.

Significant Events After the end of the Period

In the middle of April the company communicates that the market need in the US and Europe is estimated at 200,000 artificial hearts per year – equivalent to SEK 200 Billion – and the trend is accelerating. Industry players and Realheart estimate that the market potential for total artificial hearts (TAHs) is over 200,000 units per year in Europe and the US. Realheart believes it is well positioned to take significant market share with its four-chamber artificial heart.

In April, Joseph Bornoff’s Simulations of the Realheart is Published in the Springer Nature Journal Scientific Reports. It is an advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the Realheart® TAH (Total Artificial Heart) to study blood flow in the pump and optimize its function. The work has been co-authored with colleagues at Realheart.

At the end of April, results of Scandinavian Realheart’s Total Artificial Heart demonstrating lower rates of hemolysis are published. The peer-reviewed study titled ”In Vitro Hemolytic Performance of the Realheart V11C TAH Prototype with Porcine Blood” was published in the journal of Artificial Organs.

During the first days in May, scientists at Scandinavian Real Heart and at the University of Bath publish the world’s first computer simulation method for dual mechanical heart valves in series. The article “Overset meshing in combination with novel blended weak-strong fluid-structure interactions for simulations of a translating valve in series with a second valve” was published in the scientific journal “Computer

CEO Ina Laura Perkins has the Word

I am pleased to look back at a busy and very successful first quarter of 2023 with several key achievements for Realheart.

First, and foremost, by reaching the four-day survival benchmark of animals implanted with our TAH, we have shown that the Company is on track towards obtaining approval for the first in human use of our implant. This is the result of significant efforts by our R&D team, surgeons, and others who continue to improve surgical methodology and study protocols to a level where the procedure is becoming routine.

Similarly, our R&D team together with researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, successfully developed the first patient simulator (digital twin) that is used to test the Company’s TAH algorithm. Apart from this being a “first” in our space, having access to digital twin technology will improve and streamline our R&D processes for current and future products. The project was rewarded with a grant from the Strategic Innovation Program Smarter Electronic Systems – a joint initiative by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.

We have continued to expand our team with two world renowned cardiac surgeons: Dr. Ulf Kjellman has been appointed as the Company’s CMO, and Prof. Bart Meyns has joined our Medical Advisory Board. Both are Key Opinion leaders with extensive experience in cardiac surgery and from the field of developing and testing heart pumps.

With the support of our shareholders, we have successfully raised 4.2 MSEK from warrants of series TO1. In an increasingly competitive and rapidly evolving environment, this as well as future financing, are critical for us to continue our current trajectory of successes, to effectively progress the development of the Realheart® TAH into the clinic towards product approval, and to create shareholder value.

We have continued to promote Realheart on the international stage to both investors and the medical and scientific community. Dr Azad Najar, our founder and Chief Innovation Officer, was selected as keynote speaker at the Artificial

Intelligence (AI) Conference in Cairo and the Dubai Innovation Conference.

And I have, together with Dr Oliver Voigt, presented Realhart at the Healthcare Investor Conference, Swiss Nordic Bio, in Zürich. Creating awareness and an international footprint of our technology among investors and the medical and scientific communities is key to the future success of the Company.

Significant events after the end of the period is that Realheart has published three scientific articles, in Springer Nature journal Scientific Reports, the journal Artificial Organs, and Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering . This is really important work, done in international collaboration between scientists at Realheart and researchers at the University of Bath and Swansea University Medical School, both in the United Kingdom.

After an eventful start of the year, we are incredibly excited and full of confidence. Knowing that we are on the right track, we are looking forward to completing our pre-clinical studies. Again, I want to highlight that support from current and future shareholders is essential for us to continue on our path to success.

Ina Laura Perkins

CEO, Scandinavian Real Heart AB

Scandinavian Real Heart AB

Swedish innovation power has given the world medical technology inventions such as the heart and lung machine, the pacemaker and the dialysis machine. The next big innovation is Realheart's artificial heart. A Swedish patented innovation that will save the lives of heart failure patients. Every year, 3,500 people die of heart failure in Sweden alone. Today, the only rescue is a heart transplant, but the number of donated hearts is only enough for 2% of those in need.

The start-up of the company was initiated by the doctor Azad Najar in 1999 when he started sketching an artificial heart that completely mimics the biological. In 2007, Azad co-founded Scandinavian Real Heart with two partners. The original idea behind Realheart® TAH is based on flow analyzes made at KTH 2002-2005 and is based on constructing an artificial heart that mimics the biological. By imitating its basic principle, a pressure and flow is created that reduces the risk of blood clots and provides an energy-efficient blood flow. These factors are important to give the patient a good quality of life. The development of the product has progressed strongly over the years. Blood circulation, pump function, pressure, and pulse generation have been verified in ethically approved animal experiments. Today, research and development takes place in close collaboration with world-leading heart surgeons, researchers and engineers.

Patent Protection

Realheart has granted patents in Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, China and India that protect the original pump principle in TAH. This patent also provides protection for future products: RealVAD® and PulsePump®.

Patent protection is also available on the latest version of Realheart® TAH in Sweden, USA, UK, Australia and Japan. The patent application for it has also been filed for Germany and Canada. The patents provide protection in the markets that are largest and most important for artificial hearts right now, with the exception of China and India which are considered important emerging markets. In addition to the patent protection described above, Realheart has also approved patents in Sweden, the USA and the United Kingdom for the future Sternal prosthesis product. The application is also submitted in Germany and France. In 2018, a new connection was designed for a simple and secure connection between Realheart® TAH and the body's circulatory system. The patent application for this has also been filed.

Finally, the patent application has been filed in two parts for the use of pressure sensors for the automatic control. Given the existing patents together with the new patent applications, the Board believes that the company has a strong patent situation and strong intellectual property protection.

Mission and Goal

Realheart's mission is to use medical technology solutions to save as many heart failure patients as possible and to create the best conditions for a life-affirming continuation of life. The company's overall goal is for the artificial heart to be commercialized and become a full-fledged treatment alternative for patients with heart failure. The heart should have a better function than the solutions that are on the market today. It should be possible to use both as a bridge to transplantation and as final therapy.

The Stock

Scandinavian Real Heart AB was listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in December 2021. Nasdaq First North GM is a registered SME marketplace for growth companies that enables Nordic and international entrepreneurs to gain access to growth capital to develop and expand their operations. As of March 31, 2023, the number of shares in Scandinavian Real Heart was 34 979 248.

Principles for the preparation of the Interim Report

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and with the application of general advice, recommendations and statements from the Swedish Accounting Standards Board.

Audit Review

The interim report has not been reviewed by the Company's auditor.

Upcoming Financial Reports

Annual Report 2022 2023-05-26

Interim Report Q2, 2023 2022-08-24

Interim Report Q3, 2023 2022-11-16

Year-end Report, 2023 2023-02-15

Annual General Meeting

The company's annual general meeting is planned to be held Friday, June 16th.

Submission of Interim Report

Västerås, May11, 2023

The Board

Scandinavian Real Heart AB

For Further Information, Please Contact

Ina Laura Perkins

CEO Scandinavian Real Heart

Phone: +46 70 406 49 21


Jonas Caspari Bark

CFO Scandinavian Real Heart

Phone: +46 70 643 88 61 E-mail:

This disclosure contains information that Real Heart is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information in this press release has been published through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at the time stated by Scandinavian Real Heart AB’s news distributor Cision upon publication of this press release.

Link to archive for financial reports:

Realheart övergår till att kommunicera enbart på engelska

Pressmeddelande 2023-05-09

Scandinavian Real Heart AB har tagit beslutet att fortsättningsvis kommunicera enbart på engelska från och med offentliggörandet av Q1-rapporten, den 11 maj 2023. Detta innebär att samtliga regulatoriska pressmeddelanden, inklusive MAR-PM, enbart kommer att publiceras på engelska framöver.

Undantag är årsredovisningar, som enligt gällande regelverk alltid ska finnas på svenska för svenskregistrerade bolag. En engelsk version kommer också att finnas.

Realheart to Proceed With Communication in English Only

Press Release 9 May, 2023

Scandinavian Real Heart AB has decided to continue to communicate only in English from the publication of the Q1 report on May 11, 2023. This means that all regulatory, including Market Abuse Regulation press releases, will be published only in English.

The exception is annual reports, which according to current regulations must always be available in Swedish for Swedish-registered companies. An English version will also be available.

Forskare vid Scandinavian Real Heart och University of Bath publicerar världens första datorsimuleringsmetod för dubbla mekaniska hjärtklaffar i serie

Pressmeddelande 2023-05-03

Scandinavian Real Heart ("bolaget") meddelar idag att man har publicerat världens första kombinerade metod för datorsimulering av flöden (Computational Fluid Dynamics: CFD) och vätske-strukturinteraktion (Fluid Structure Interaction: FSI) för simulering av mekaniska hjärtklaffar i serie. Artikeln "Overset meshing in combination with novel blended weak-strong fluid-structure interactions for simulations of a translating valve in series with a second valve" är resultatet av ett internationellt samarbete mellan forskare vid Scandinavian Real Heart och forskare vid University of Bath (Storbritannien) och publicerades i den vetenskapliga tidskriften "Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering".

Forskargruppen, som leds av K. Fraser vid institutionen för maskinteknik vid University of Bath, har skapat en effektiv och exakt metod för att simulera två mekaniska hjärtklaffar i serie, vilket är ett grundläggande krav för simuleringar av Realheart® TAH (Total Artificial Heart). Teamet har uppnått detta genom att använda sofistikerade CFD-verktyg (overset meshing tillsammans med en blandning av svag och stark koppling) för att generera exakta beräkningar av skjuvspänningen i kritiska områden under öppning och stängning av de mekaniska hjärtklaffarna. På så sätt kunde forskarna balansera den beräkningseffektivitet som krävs för att simulera hela Realheart® TAH med den noggrannhet som krävs för att lösa upp dynamiken i blodflödet.

– Hjärtklaffar är notoriskt svåra att modellera. Realheart® TAH innehåller en konstruktion med två ventiler i serie så att den första klaffens upp- och nedrörelse skapar det tryck som öppnar den andra klaffen. Detta gör beräkningsmodelleringen mer komplex", kommenterade Ina Laura Perkins, vd för Realheart och en av medförfattarna till studien. Den modell som publiceras här utgör grunden för Realheart® TAH:s beräkningsmodelleringsmetod som utvecklats av företaget och som nyligen publicerades i Nature Scientific Reports ( Att utveckla och använda sådana banbrytande verktyg för beräkningsmodellering gör det möjligt för oss att lära oss mer av simuleringar och därmed spara betydande tid och resurser för utveckling och testning, säger Ina Laura Perkins.

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Publicerar forskning om beräkningsbaserad biomekanik och biomedicinsk teknik, inklusive cellmekanik, biologiska vätskor, hemodynamik, modellering, utformning och bedömning. Tidskriften är ansluten till European Society of Biomechanics och publiceras av Taylor & Francis. Artikeln finns här:

Scientists at Scandinavian Real Heart and at the University of Bath Publish the World’s First Computer Simulation Method for Dual Mechanical Heart Valves in Series

Press Release 3 May, 2023

Scandinavian Real Heart (the “Company”) today announced the publication of the world’s first combined computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) methodology for simulating positive displacement bileaflet valves in series. The article “Overset meshing in combination with novel blended weak-strong fluid-structure interactions for simulations of a translating valve in series with a second valve” is the result of an international collaboration of scientists at Scandinavian Real Heart and researchers at the University of Bath (UK) and was published in the scientific journal “Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering”.

The researcher group, led by K. Fraser, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Bath, have created an efficient and accurate method for simulating two mechanical heart valves in series, a fundamental requirement for simulations of the Realheart® TAH (Total Artificial Heart). The team has achieved this by using sophisticated CFD tools (overset meshing together with a blend of weak and strong coupling) to generate accurate calculations of the fluid shear stress in critical regions during the opening and closing of mechanical heart valves. By doing so, the scientists were able to balance the computational efficiency needed to simulate the whole Realheart® TAH with the accuracy required to resolve the dynamics of blood flow.

“Heart valves are notoriously difficult to model. The Realheart® TAH contains a two valves in series design so that the up and down movement of the first valve creates the pressures that moves the second valve. This makes computational modelling more complex,” commented Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart and one of the co-authors of the study. “The model published here is the foundation for the Realheart® TAH computational modelling methodology developed by the Company that was recently published in Nature Scientific Reports ( Developing and using such breakthrough computational modelling tools enables us to learn more from simulations, thus saving significant development and testing time and resources,” Ina Laura Perkins, added.

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Publishes research on computational biomechanics and biomedical engineering, including cell mechanics, biofluids, hemodynamics, modeling, design and assessment. It is affiliated with the European Society of Biomechanics and published by Taylor & Francis. The article can be accessed here:

Results of Scandinavian Realheart’s Total Artificial Heart Demonstrating Lower Rates of Hemolysis, Published in the Journal Artificial Organs

Press Release 27 April, 2023

Scandinavian Real Heart (the “Company”) has published results demonstrating that the Company’s Realheart Total Artificial Heart (TAH) prototype V11C has lower rates of hemolysis compared to published data from studies of the Reinheart's large and small TAH. The peer-reviewed study titled ”In Vitro Hemolytic Performance of the Realheart V11C TAH Prototype with Porcine Blood” was published on-line, ahead of print, in the Journal of Artificial Organs.

The paper summarizes work performed by an international team of researchers led by Drs. Ina Laura Perkins and Azad Najar of Scandinavian Real Heart in collaboration with scientists at the Swansea University Medical School in the United Kingdom.

High rates of hemolysis requiring repeat and frequent blood transfusions are a key factor limiting the utility of currently available TAHs. Furthermore, hemolysis testing is a regulatory requirement for all new devices intended for the treatment of patients with heart failure. In this study, the so called “Aachen Rig” is used as a step towards creating a gold standard for testing pulsatile flow blood pumps.

In order to compare the outcomes of hemolysis testing with data published in the literature, the researchers utilized the Aachen Rig to test the Realheart V11C TAH prototype. By utilizing the continuous flow pump BPX-80 from Medtronic Inc. as a control, the authors demonstrated that the Realheart V11C TAH has a lower absolute and relative rate of hemolysis when compared to published results obtained with both the large and small ReinHeart TAH (ReinHeart TAH GmbH) devices.

"Developing a TAH is a technical and clinical challenge and ensuring that hemolysis is as low as possible is a key factor impacting the design of artificial hearts. It is against this background that we are developing the Realheart TAH with pulsatile blood flow. Thanks to the design of our artificial heart, with two atria, two chambers and an AV plane, we can generate natural blood flow which we expect will contribute to a reduced risk of hemolysis. The research published in this article is the foundation for the methodology we are using in our ongoing comparison with the market-leading pump SynCardia,” said Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart.

Artificial Organs is a peer-reviewed biomedical journal that publishes research in the field of artificial organs and medical technology. The journal was founded in 1977 and is published monthly. The publication can be accessed via:

(Access fee may be required).

Resultat av Scandinavian Realhearts totala artificiella hjärta som visar lägre hemolys, publicerade i tidskriften Artificial Organs

Pressmeddelande 2023-04-27

Scandinavian Real Heart ("bolaget") har publicerat resultat som visar att bolagets Realheart Total Artificial Heart (TAH) prototyp V11C, har lägre hemolys jämfört med publicerade data från studier av Reinhearts stora och lilla TAH. Den sakkunniggranskade studien med titeln "In Vitro Hemolytic Performance of the Realheart V11C TAH Prototype with Porcine Blood" publicerades online, före tryckning, i tidskriften Journal of Artificial Organs.

I artikeln sammanfattas det arbete som utförts av ett internationellt forskningsteam under ledning av Dr Ina Laura Perkins och Dr Azad Najar från Scandinavian Real Heart, i samarbete med forskare vid Swansea University Medical School i Storbritannien.

Hög hemolys som kräver upprepade och frekventa blodtransfusioner är en viktig faktor som begränsar användandet av de konstgjorda hjärtan som för närvarande finns tillgängliga. Dessutom är testning av hemolys ett lagstadgat krav för alla nya produkter avsedda för behandling av patienter med hjärtsvikt. I den här studien används den så kallade "Aachen Rig" som ett steg mot att skapa en gyllene standard för att testa blodpumpar med pulserande flöde.

Forskarna använde Aachen Rig för att jämföra hemolysresultaten av Realheart V11C TAH-prototypen med data som publicerats i litteraturen. Författarna kunde visa att Realheart V11C TAH har lägre absolut och relativ hemolys jämfört med publicerade resultat för både den stora och den lilla ReinHeart TAH-enheten (ReinHeart TAH GmbH) genom att använda den kontinuerliga flödespumpen BPX-80 från Medtronic Inc. som kontroll.

– Att utveckla ett TAH är en teknisk och klinisk utmaning och att se till att hemolysen är så låg som möjligt är en nyckelfaktor som påverkar utformningen av konstgjorda hjärtan. Det är mot denna bakgrund som vi utvecklar Realheart TAH med pulserande blodflöde. Tack vare utformningen av vårt konstgjorda hjärta, med två förmak, två kamrar och ett AV-plan, kan vi generera ett naturligt blodflöde som vi förväntar oss kommer att bidra till en minskad risk för hemolys. Forskningen som publiceras i denna artikel utgör grunden för den metodik som vi använder i vår pågående jämförelse med den marknadsledande pumpen SynCardia, säger Ina Laura Perkins, vd på Realheart.

Artificial Organs är en expertgranskad biomedicinsk tidskrift som publicerar forskning inom området konstgjorda organ och medicinsk teknik. Tidskriften grundades 1977 och publiceras varje månad. Publikationen kan nås via:

(En åtkomstavgift kan komma att krävas).

Realheart flyttar tidpunkt för Årsstämma samt publicering av Årsredovisning för 2022

Pressmeddelande 2023-04-19

Realhearts planerade årsstämma flyttas fram från den 26 maj till den 16 juni 2023. Anledningen till detta är att bolaget avser att arrangera en fysisk träff i Västerås och det tidigare kommunicerade datumet krockar med övriga planerade aktiviteter. I samband med detta flyttas även publiceringen av årsredovisningen för 2022 fram till 26 maj, det vill säga tre veckor innan tidpunkt för stämman, i enlighet med gällande regelverk.

Kallelse till årsstämman går i sedvanlig ordning ut fyra veckor före stämman, det vill säga den 19 maj.

Realheart Moves the Date of the Annual General Meeting and Publication of the Annual Report for 2022

Press Release 19 April, 2023

Realheart's planned Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be moved from May 26 to June 16, 2023. The reason for this is that the company intends to arrange a physical meeting in Västerås and the previously communicated date conflicts with other planned activities. In connection with this, the publication of the annual report for 2022 is also moved forward to May 26, i.e. three weeks before the date of the meeting, in accordance with current regulations.

Notice of the AGM will be sent out as usual four weeks before the meeting, i.e. on May 19.

Joseph Bornoff’s Simulations of the Realheart Published in Scientific Reports

Press Release 18 April, 2023

Realheart has several international collaborations with researchers and PhD students to develop the world's first four-chamber heart. One of these is Joseph Bornoff, a PhD student at the University of Bath in the UK. Bornoff has developed an advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of the Realheart® TAH (Total Artificial Heart) to study blood flow in the pump and optimize its function. The work, co-authored with colleagues at Realheart, has now been published in the Springer Nature journal Scientific Reports.

The Realheart model can be simulated across a wide range of operating conditions where variations in heart rate and stroke volume were investigated. The model was validated using Assistant Professor Libera Fresiello's hybrid simulator, a work published in the scientific journal Artificial Organs in 2022, and showed excellent agreement between simulation and experimental results. The computational model builds upon previous work by Joseph where he developed a fluid-structure interaction method to simulate complex valve motion.

Based on detailed descriptions of the background, methodology and results, Joseph concluded that the risk of blood damage was low, thanks to the low levels of shear stress in the pump. In addition, the excellent drainage of blood through the pump during operation was comparable to other similar devices examined, suggesting that the thrombogenic potential was low.

Bornoff holds a first class MEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bath, and is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Bath, where he is researching a multiscale analysis of a novel total artificial heart, in collaboration with Scandinavian Real Heart since 2020. Bornoff is active in several research areas, such as fluid-structure interaction, artificial hearts, and numerical models and computational fluid dynamics.

“The use of computational modelling enables us to increase productivity in development of the Realheart TAH and future products by enabling reduced testing with simultaneous increased understanding of links between form and function. This puts us in the forefront of sophisticated preclinical testing methodology that saves resources and reduces the need for animal testing” said Ina Laura Perkins, CEO of Realheart.

Scientific Reports is a globally renowned peer-reviewed journal that covers all areas of the natural sciences, psychology, medicine, and engineering, and was the 5th most-cited journal in the world in 2021. Joseph Bornoff’s article: “Fluid-structure interaction modelling of a positive-displacement Total Artificial Heart” has been published in the Artificial Organs collection which covers new methods applicable to improving artificial organs, or studies assessing their function, and is online here:

Joseph Bornoffs simuleringar av Realheart har publicerats i Scientific Reports

Pressmeddelande 2023-04-18

Realheart har ett flertal internationella samarbeten med forskare och doktorander i utvecklingen av världens första fyrakammarhjärta. En av dessa är Joseph Bornoff, doktorand vid University of Bath i Storbritannien. Bornoff har utvecklat en avancerad CFD-modell (Computational Fluid Dynamics) av Realheart® TAH (Totalt Artificiellt Hjärta) för att studera blodflödet i pumpen och optimera dess funktion. Arbetet, som har författats tillsammans med medarbetare på Realheart, har nu publicerats i Springer Nature-tidskriften Scientific Reports.

Modellen av Realheart® TAH kan simuleras i ett brett spektrum av operativa förhållanden där variationer i hjärtfrekvens och slagvolym undersöktes. Modellen validerades med hjälp av biträdande professor Libera Fresiellos hybridsimulator, ett arbete som publicerades i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Artificial Organs 2022, och visade utmärkt överensstämmelse mellan simulering och experimentella resultat. Beräkningsmodellen bygger på Josephs tidigare arbete där han utvecklade en metod för interaktion mellan vätska och struktur för att simulera komplexa klaffrörelser.

Med utgångspunkt från detaljerade beskrivningar av bakgrund, metodik och resultat, drog Joseph slutsatsen att risken för blodskador var liten, tack vare de låga nivåerna av skjuvpänningar i pumpen. Dessutom var den utmärkta strömningen av blod genom pumpen under drift jämförbar med andra liknande enheter som undersökts, vilket tyder på låg risk för blodproppsbildning.

Bornoff har första klass MEng (Hons) i maskinteknik från University of Bath, och genomför för närvarande en doktorsexamen vid University of Bath, där han forskar om en multiskalig analys av ett nytt totalt artificiellt hjärta, i samarbete med Scandinavian Real Heart sedan 2020. Bornoff är aktiv inom flera forskningsområden, till exempel fluidstrukturinteraktion, konstgjorda hjärtan samt numeriska modeller och beräkningsbaserad strömningsdynamik.

– Användningen av denna typ av datorsimulering gör det möjligt för oss att öka produktiviteten i utvecklingen av Realheart TAH och framtida produkter genom att minska antalet tester och samtidigt öka förståelsen för sambanden mellan form och funktion. Detta gör att vi ligger i framkant när det gäller sofistikerad preklinisk testmetodik som sparar resurser och minskar behovet av djurförsök", säger Ina Laura Perkins, VD för Realheart.

Scientific Reports är en globalt erkänd tidskrift med expertgranskning som täcker alla områden inom naturvetenskap, psykologi, medicin och teknik, och var den femte mest citerade tidskriften i världen 2021. Joseph Bornoffs artikel: "Fluid-structure interaction modelling of a positive-displacement Total Artificial Heart" har publicerats i samlingen Artificial Organs som omfattar nya metoder som kan användas för att förbättra konstgjorda organ eller studier som bedömer deras funktion, och finns online här:

Market Need in the US and Europe is Estimated at 200,000 Artificial Hearts per Year – Equivalent to SEK 200 Billion – And the Trend is Accelerating

Press Release 12 April, 2023

Industry players and Realheart estimate that the market potential for total artificial hearts (TAHs) is over 200,000 units per year in Europe and the US. Realheart believes it is well positioned to take significant market share with its four-chamber artificial heart.

"Sales will likely only be limited by the number of artificial hearts we have the capacity to produce," said the company's CEO Ina Laura Perkins. "We have great advantages with our TAH because we have started to automate parts of the production process at an early stage of development. Having said that, we have no long-term limitations for volume production," Ina Laura continues.

An important factor in the production is the awarded Eurostars 3 grant of 10 MSEK that Realheart has received together with Berlin Heart to automate the process of membrane production. The membranes are a critical component of the company's artificial heart and must be manufactured with high precision and unwavering repeatability. The best way to achieve this is to automate the manufacturing process. This is why Realheart collaborates with Berlin Heart, who are experts in the field of developing and manufacturing membrane technologies that are successfully used in their external heart pumps.

According to WHO and several other actors, cardiovascular diseases are today the most common cause of death globally in high-income countries, and the number of people affected is only increasing, as well as the number of years the patient can live with their disease. All of this means a significant increase in the burden and cost of healthcare. According to research[1], the global bill will increase from USD 346 billion in 2012 to USD 400 billion in 2030. Heart failure is a type of cardiovascular disease where the heart is no longer able to pump the amount of blood the body needs. Around 300,000 Swedes[2] have heart failure and around 64 million[3] people are affected globally.

New treatment options are needed, and an artificial heart may be a near-term option for patients with severe heart failure. A sufficiently good TAH can help reduce the suffering of those affected and at the same time has the potential to reduce the cost of care for heart failure.

Realheart expects to initiate clinical trials in 2024 and a market launch in 2025/2026.

[1] Lippi, Giuseppe; Sanchis-Gomar, Fabian. 2020. Global epidemiology and future trends of heart failure. AME Medical Journal.


[3] (1): Savarese G, Lund LH. Global Public Health Burden of Heart Failure a comprehensive and updated review of epidemiology,

Marknadsbehov i USA och Europa bedöms vara 200 000 artificiella hjärtan per år – motsvarande 200 miljarder SEK – och trenden är stigande

Pressmeddelande 2023-04-12

Branschaktörer och Realheart bedömer att marknadspotentialen för totala artificiella hjärtan (TAH:s) är över 200 000 enheter per år i Europa och USA. Realheart anser sig väl positionerade för att ta betydande marknadsandelar med sitt artificiella fyrkammarhjärta.

 – Försäljningen kommer sannolikt enbart begränsas av hur många artificiella hjärtan vi har kapacitet att producera, säger bolagets vd Ina Laura Perkins. Vi har stora fördelar med vårt TAH eftersom vi har börjat automatisera delar av produktionsprocessen i ett tidigt utvecklingsskede. Med det sagt så har vi långsiktigt inga begränsningar för volymproduktion, fortsätter Ina Laura.

En viktig faktor i produktionen är det beviljade Eurostars 3-bidraget på 10 MSEK som Realheart har fått tillsammans med Berlin Heart för att automatisera processen för membranproduktion. Just membranen är en kritisk komponent i bolagets artificiella hjärta och måste tillverkas med hög precision och orubblig repeterbarhet. Det bästa sättet att åstadkomma detta är att automatisera tillverkningsprocessen. Därför samarbetar Realheart med Berlin Heart, som är experter inom området utveckling och tillverkning av membranteknologier som framgångsrikt används i deras externa hjärtpumpar. 

Enligt WHO och flera andra aktörer är hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar idag den vanligaste dödsorsaken globalt i höginkomstländer, och antalet drabbade bara ökar, liksom det antal år patienten kan leva med sin sjukdom. Sammantaget betyder det en kraftigt ökad belastning och kostnadsökning för vården. Enligt forskning[1] kommer notan globalt att öka från 346 miljarder USD år 2012 till 400 miljarder USD år 2030. Hjärtsvikt är en typ av hjärtkärlsjukdom där hjärtat inte längre orkar pumpa den mängd blod som kroppen behöver. Ca 300 000 svenskar[2] har hjärtsvikt och runt 64 miljoner[3] människor är drabbade globalt.

Nya behandlingsalternativ behövs och här kan ett artificiellt hjärta vara ett alternativ som ligger nära i tiden för patienter med svår hjärtsvikt. Ett tillräckligt bra TAH kan bidra till minskat lidande för drabbade och har samtidigt potential att reducera vårdkostnaderna för hjärtsvikt.

Realheart räknar med att inleda kliniska prövningar under 2024 samt att en marknadslansering kan ske under 2025/2026.

[1] Lippi, Giuseppe; Sanchis-Gomar, Fabian. 2020. Global epidemiology and future trends of heart failure. AME Medical Journal.


[3] (1): Savarese G, Lund LH. Global Public Health Burden of Heart Failure a comprehensive and updated review of epidemiology,